Wearing Turban Wearing Dastar Wearing Pagg Wearing Pagri Wearing Dumala

Wearing Turban
Prabhjot Kaur Kahalsa
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About a month ago I wore a turban for a day.... It was part of one of our activities at Sikh Camp, dastaar tying. As soon as she had finished wrapping it round my head, I got this sensational feeling. I felt so much closer to Waheguru and I could feel all my energy rising up to my head. I couldnt stop smiling all day cus the feeling was just amazing.

I did think about wearing it 24/7 but I dunno, I feel that perhaps ppl who wear a tuban all the time dont get that feeling all the time and I want it to be special every time I wear one.... This is in no way of course meant to cause offence to anyone... thats just my view..... and I didnt want to wear a tuban just for it to get taken for granted.... but it was the most amazing feeling in my life!!!!

Wearing a dastaar is an

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Wearing a dastaar is an amazing feeling.  It feels like my Guru is holding my head in his hands.   It's something I'm aware of all the time, it's a constant reminder to hold my head high and be on my best behavior.  I've heard it said that simply wearing a dastaar is prachar in itself.  One doesn't need to go around talking about Sikhi, just wear the Guru's gift proudly, follow Guru ji's Hukam, and people will remember our turban and our behavior and begin to understand true Sikhism.

Purpose of turban? Why do Sikhs wear turban?

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Although all Sikh Guru's wore turban, the covering of hair with turban was made official by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth Guru of Sikhs. The main reason is to preserve the Sikh identity. Sikhs are only 2% of India’s population, if Sikhs do not wear turban, they would be lost in the crowd of Hindus and Muslims. No one will be able to identify a Sikh. Upon establishing turban as a Sikh identity Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, “My Sikh will be recognized among millions”.

In addition, in those days, only the people from high class used to wear turban and were called sardars (leaders). This segregated people from high and low classes. So in order to eliminate the class system associated with turban, Guru Gobind Singh Ji made each and every Sikh a sardar. He also rejected class system by giving all Sikh the last name Singh and Kaur.

Furthermore, Sikhs do not cut their hair and the turban protects the hair from dust. Some people might ask the question that if Sikhs cover their hair on head, why don’t they cover their beard? The only reason one would cover his beard is to protect it from dirt. But dirt is not a big problem for beard. The beard can be cleaned very easily while washing the face.

~ Spread The Seeds Of Sikhism ~

Wearing a turban

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 I just started wearing Turban since April 07. I feel connected with Guru and very proud of it. Yesterday I was attending military function. I was in full uniform and walking to my office. I was stopped my a man, he was out breath with pen and paper in hand. He introduced me as a reporter of local newpaper. He was interviewing someone and saw me walk by. He said he heard so much that sikh are fierce fighters. He said\" Today first time I saw a Sikh in Canadian Military unifomr\". He was very impressed and amazed. He want to do an article on Sikh in Canadian Military. This how are turban is perceived.

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