Name:- Sri Ravidas ji
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Date of Birth:- 1378 A.D.
Father’s name:- Raamu alias Maan das also Known as Santokha ji Mother’s name:-Dhur Binia-Karma Devi ji alias Diaree ji
Place of birth Kashi-Uttar Pardesh
Family:- Information not available
Religious instructions:- From Ramanand Ji
Bani registered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji:- 40 shabads in16 Raags Heavenly Departure:- At Kashi(Banaras) in1529 A. D.
Total Age:- 151 years
Principal Teachings:- As long as man remains engrossed in his own Ego, he remains away from God. The only way to get rid of this ego ,”the instinct of mine” is to meditate and recite the name of God in this age of darkness(Kalyug).
About Sikh History

Bhagat Ravidas Ji was born in the year 1378 A. D. in Banaras(Kashi) U.P. India. His parents were Sri Santokha ji and Mata Karma Devi( Diari JI). His father was a religious shoemaker. No doubt Bhagat Ravidas ji was pre- destined to be a great saint but his religious inheritance contributed a lot too.
When he was born, there was a great deal of degradation in society. The Brahmins had trampled up society in their Supremacy. The low caste untouchables had no rights whatsoever. They were not even allowed to read religious books, let alone act upon them. No untouchables were allowed to go to any temple of any God or Goddess for the purpose of worship. If however, someone dared, he was given very hard punishments. The huts of the untouchables were only allowed to be constructed on the Western side of the city or village. They were not allowed to take water from any well. If they were to pass or enter a city for some personal need or emergency, they had to hang a bell or gong around their neck and ring it when they entered the town so as to make their presence heard. This practice was established at the order of the Brahmins so that high caste Brahmins could get away from the path of untouchables. Even the shadow of an untouchable was not allowed to fall upon a Brahmin who considered himself pious and sacred. A shadow of low caste shoodar or untouchable could pollute a Brahmin. A low caste or untouchable person had to tie a big branch of a tree on his back so that his own foot prints could be erased by it because even the foot prints of an untouchable could pollute a Brahmin when the Brahmin had to walk on the foot prints of the untouchable. So in such a hatred filled and degraded society, Bhagat Ravidas ji tried to bring revolution through meditation and naam simran. He succeeded by virtue of his noble character and highly pious life. He became a source of inspiration and lit the path of spirituality for Mira Bai and queen Jhala Bai and the King of Chatour (Rajasthan, India) who belonged to higher castes of Hindus. But the jealous and so called high caste Brahmins never stopped hating him. From time to time, on one or the other pretext, they tried to charge, harass, and land him in trouble. But Almighty God protected him in all aspects of his life. The omnipotent lord always helped and sheltered Bhagat Ravidas Ji. His reputation as a saint of high caliber spread in every nook and corner of the land.
Bhagat Ravidas ji in his high spiritual status gives direction to the people of the world who have gone astray in Raag Gauri,”O mortals of the universe! You have divided society into so many categories of first, second, and third type due to your own ignorance. There is no high or low on the doorsteps of God and no caste is considered there. Only actions performed by people come into account there. In this world, you have banned so called untouchables at so many places; but in the city of God (Begampur) there is no ban on any one to enter based on caste. The enlightened souls can see their God anytime they want. There is neither fear, suspicion, anxiety, expression of grief, misery nor a tax to be paid. That place is such that only Grace of God resides there. No body has to fall victim to jealousy or rivalry there. You can impose restrictions upon me, but what will you do to me when I have become an inhabitant of that place? Nothing.
Bhagat Ravidas ji wrote 40 shabads on different topics. For example; Non-attachment, Renunciation, Politeness, love of God, Shelter of God and Abode of God etc. These shabads are preserved and found entered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by the Great Guru Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji for the guidance of humanity. Bhagat ji’s Bani gives comfort, patience and contentment to strayed minds. God protects the honor of those devotees who completely surrender to Him and have full faith in him. God Almighty raises the status of his devotees. Sri Bhagat Ravidas ji left for his heavenly abode in 1529 after laying foot prints of God’s meditation, expressing his opinion about the caste-system, preaching the true path of Naam simran(pray), condemning the false and hollow rituals. Bhagat ji mingled with the Almighty as a wave of water mingles with water. His true and pious teachings are working as a light house for people to follow and stand for the truth even today.
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